Wild Cook Capsule: A New Way to Smoke and Flavor Your Food

Revolutionizing the Art of Smoking Food

The most important aspect of our daily lives is food, and finding ways to make it more enjoyable and convenient is always a priority. Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad, the brilliant minds behind the Wild Cook Capsule, have taken the concept of smoking food to a whole new level.

Smoking food is a time-honored technique that adds depth and complexity to flavors. The designers of Wild Cook Capsule realized that they could create a unique mixture of flavors by harnessing the smoke emitted from natural ingredients. Imagine being able to smoke and flavor your food with paprika, onion, or a variety of other ingredients, each imparting its own distinct taste. Additionally, when cooking food alongside different vegetables, the slight charring and the combination of different ingredient smokes can create a symphony of flavors.

One of the main challenges in smoking food at home is the mess it often creates. However, the Wild Cook Capsule offers an elegant solution. This innovative device allows you to smoke your food or drink with ease and without the usual mess. While many people believe that only wood can be used to smoke food, the truth is that a wide range of natural materials can be employed to create entirely new tastes and scents. The Wild Cook Capsule embraces this versatility, enabling users to experiment with different ingredients and flavors from around the world.

The Wild Cook Capsule consists of two main parts: the device itself and a capsule containing various natural ingredients. Simply insert the capsule into the device, and the ingredients will be heated by hot air. This gentle heat causes a smooth burn, drawing the smoke into the cooking pot and infusing your meal with a delightful smoky flavor.

Measuring a compact 37 mm x 37 mm x 18 mm, the Wild Cook Capsule is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone. The designers have prioritized simplicity, cleanliness, and healthiness in the smoking process. Unlike traditional methods that involve direct burning of wood, the Wild Cook Capsule utilizes hot air to create a smooth and controlled burn. This not only ensures a healthier smoking experience but also makes the recycling process much easier.

The Wild Cook Capsule project began in 2019, and since then, Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad have conducted extensive research to develop this groundbreaking design. Their goal was to overcome the limitations of existing smoking methods and provide a more versatile and enjoyable experience for users.

Recognizing the ingenuity and practicality of the Wild Cook Capsule, it was honored with the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2020. This award is given to designs that demonstrate exceptional creativity, functionality, and innovation, meeting the highest professional and industrial standards. The Wild Cook Capsule truly embodies these qualities, offering a unique and convenient way to elevate your culinary creations.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ladan Zadfar
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad Image #2: Photographer Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad Image #3: Photographer Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad Image #4: Photographer Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad Image #5: Photographer Ladan Zadfar and Mohammad Farshad
Project Team Members: Ladan Zadfar Mohammad Farshad
Project Name: Wildcook
Project Client: Ladan Zadfar

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